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911 Museum Docents On The Front Line Of Correcting Misinformation

9/11 Museum Docents on the Front Line of Correcting Misinformation

The 9/11 Memorial Museum is a place of remembrance and education.

It is also a place where docents are on the front lines of correcting misinformation about the 9/11 attacks.

The museum's docents are a group of dedicated volunteers who lead tours and answer questions from visitors.

They are all passionate about sharing the story of 9/11.

The docents are trained to be accurate and informative.

They use the museum's collection of artifacts and documents to tell the story of the attacks.

They also share personal stories from survivors and family members.

The docents are also trained to deal with misinformation about 9/11.

They are prepared to answer questions from visitors who may have heard false or misleading information about the attacks.

The docents are able to provide accurate information about the attacks and dispel any myths or rumors.

The docents are an important part of the 9/11 Memorial Museum.

They help visitors understand the events of 9/11 and remember the victims.

They also play a vital role in correcting misinformation about the attacks.

Here are some examples of misinformation that the docents have encountered:

  • That the attacks were an inside job.
  • That the death toll was exaggerated.
  • That the attacks were a hoax.

The docents are able to use their knowledge of the attacks to debunk these myths and rumors.

They also provide visitors with information about the 9/11 Commission Report, which is an authoritative source of information about the attacks.

The docents are making a difference in the fight against misinformation about 9/11.

They are helping to ensure that the true story of the attacks is told and remembered.

The docents are also helping to build a more informed and engaged public about 9/11.


The 9/11 Memorial Museum is a place of remembrance, education, and inspiration.

The museum's docents are on the front lines of correcting misinformation about the 9/11 attacks.

They are helping to ensure that the true story of the attacks is told and remembered.
